Flamingo Democrats Plan Days of Action For Pro-Equality Democrats For the 2022 Midterm Election

The Flamingo Democrats are organizing the LGBTQ+ community and our allies in Miami-Dade to get organized and fight back against the extreme Republican attacks on our lives. We need to get out and volunteer for these candidates, because we can win. There is strength in numbers which is why we're joining up with SAVE, the Miami-Dade Young Dems, Ruth’s List Miami, other groups and our amazing candidates to do a series of joint canvasses from now until Election Day.


Saturday, October 29:

Canvass for Janelle Perez 🏳️‍🌈 with SAVE - RSVP here.

Saturday, November 5:

(last weekend before the election 😳) Canvass for Annette Taddeo, Raquel Pacheco, Janelle Perez 🏳️‍🌈, Adam Benna & A.J. D'Amico and Miami-Dade Young Dems (link coming soon)


➡️ Our first day of action was October 1 with our endorsed candidate for State Senate in district 38, Janelle Perez and our endorsed candidate for State House in district 113, A.J. D'Amico with our friends at SAVE!


➡️ Our second Day of Action was on Saturday, October 8 for
 Gabriel Gonzalez 🏳️‍🌈 (House District 119) and Robert Asencio (running for Congressional District 28). 

➡️ Our third day of action was Saturday, October 15—a canvass for Raquel Pacheco & A.J. D'Amico with Eileen Higgins, Ashley Gantt, the Miami-Dade Young Dems and SAVE.


➡️ Our fourth day of action was Saturday, October 22Flamingo Democrats canvassed with Robert Asencio and Gabriel Gonzalez in West Dade. 
The day of action for Adam Gentle 🏳️‍🌈 (House District 120) will be a phone bank / text bank. - link coming soon.

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  • Flamingo Democrats 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
    published this page in Announcements 2022-10-03 08:45:12 -0400